Thinking Into Results
Thinking Into Results is a comprehensive, hands on, results driven system based on over 75 years of research into the science and mechanics of success. It’s an exceptional program presented in 12 simple and practical modules that will improve your personal, professional and business life.
Do you want something more out of life, but aren’t sure what it is?
Have you been trying to make changes in the past, without success?
Do you have a specific goal, but don’t know how to achieve it?
Here is some incredible news:
You can get anything you seriously want.
A Worthy Ideal
Business Principle: Goal setting and achieving Benefits: This lesson explains how to set and achieve goals that promote quantum leaps.
The Knowing-Doing Gap
Business Principle:Return on investment
Benefits:This lesson teaches you how to change your behavior and close the gap between what you know and what you actually do.
Your Infinite Mind
Business Principle: Productivity and Efficiency
Benefits: This lesson teaches you about paradigms, how they control your life and how you can create positive, empowering paradigms that serve you.
The Secret Genie
Business Principle:Peak performance
Benefits:This lesson teaches how the mind works—and how to use your mind to create the results you want.
Thinking Into Results
Business Principle: Innovation and proactive thinking
Benefits:This lesson teaches you how to think and how to analyze your thinking… helping you realize past results are a reflection of past thinking—to change what you are getting you have to change your thinking.
Environment Is But Our Looking Glass
Business Principle: Create a powerful self-image
Benefits:This lesson helps you understand that to be more productive and create better results you have to change your image of yourself.
Trample the Terror
Business Principle:Overcoming barriers to success
Benefits:This lesson teaches you about the fear you’ll experience in pursuit of your goals—and how to overcome it.
The Power of Praxis
Business Principle: Aligning actions and results with your vision (i.e. not actions and beliefs)
Benefits:This lesson connects your beliefs with your behavior. When you change from non-productive to productive actions, your results can then match your goals.
The Magic Word
Business Principle:Creating a winning attitude
Benefits:This lesson gives a very complete definition of attitude and explains how to change it. The result is having your thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned so that you are more productive and efficient.
The Most Valuable Person
Business Principle:Effective leadership
Benefits:This lesson helps you to develop the qualities of a leader and understand the importance of also being a good follower.
Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
Business Principle:Profit through service
Benefits:This lesson emphasizes giving with no expectation of return in service to others… it promotes a high standard of performance in all aspects of your life.
Magnifying the Mind
Business Principle: Problem-solving
Benefits: This lesson shows you how to achieve quantum leaps in your results and contradicts a false belief that success is achieved in incremental steps.